Health Hope Harmony: Navigating Wellness, Embracing Every Body, and Healing Minds

77 - How Whitney Ended Her Struggle With Emotional Eating

January 19, 2023 Sabrina Rogers Episode 73
77 - How Whitney Ended Her Struggle With Emotional Eating
Health Hope Harmony: Navigating Wellness, Embracing Every Body, and Healing Minds
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Health Hope Harmony: Navigating Wellness, Embracing Every Body, and Healing Minds
77 - How Whitney Ended Her Struggle With Emotional Eating
Jan 19, 2023 Episode 73
Sabrina Rogers

In this episode I am joined by a former participant in one of my coaching programs, the Emotional Eating Revolution. Whitney  took a chance on herself, after years of self doubt and thinking she didn't deserve to feel better.

What Whitney didn't know was how much of an impact ending her struggle with emotional eating would have on her entire life. 

Whitney shares how she no longer eats to bursting, gained confidence to pursue and new job and a life long dream. 

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Show Notes Transcript

In this episode I am joined by a former participant in one of my coaching programs, the Emotional Eating Revolution. Whitney  took a chance on herself, after years of self doubt and thinking she didn't deserve to feel better.

What Whitney didn't know was how much of an impact ending her struggle with emotional eating would have on her entire life. 

Whitney shares how she no longer eats to bursting, gained confidence to pursue and new job and a life long dream. 

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Sabrina Rogers  0:00  
Hey friend, welcome to the Emotional Eating therapists show. In this episode, I am joined by a former participant in one of my coaching programs, the emotional eating revolution. Whitney has such amazing results, and I wanted you to hear firsthand what it's like to work with me. So let's get started shall we? 

Welcome to the emotional eating therapist Show. I'm your host Sabrina Rogers, a licensed mental health counselor, intuitive eating and body image expert, and recovering perfectionist. After healing my own disordered eating and body image issues. I'm helping women let go of the guilt and shame around eating, feel at peace around food and befriend the image they see in the mirror. In this podcast, we chat about all things food, body and mental health so that you can stop dieting, let go of perfectionism. And finally, feel confident in all areas of your life. If you want to connect with me on social media, I'm on Instagram, Facebook and Tik Tok at Sabrina Rogers lmhc. And if you enjoy listening to this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes or wherever you're listening. This helps other women find and learn about the podcast, so they too can change their relationship with food and body. Let's get ready to stay off the diet roller coaster and live healthily ever after some background on Whitney before we hear from her. I've known Whitney for several years as she used to work with my husband. Through working with her we have gotten to know each other really well and have become friends. The transformation I got to witness and Whitney was mind blowing. Not only was she able to completely transform her relationship with food, she also gained so much confidence that her whole life began to change. The way we do one thing is the way we do most things. And when we change an aspect of our lives, we tend to see ripple effects in all areas of our lives.

Now let's hear from Whitney about those ripple effects for her. Oh, Whitney, I am so excited to have this conversation with you. I am just over the moon at our time working together and I wanted you to be able to share this with other people. Because I think your story is something that people really relate to. But that people don't necessarily talk about.

Whitney  2:25  
Yes. So I'll be honest, at first, I had some reservations, obviously. Because and I had how, how could emotions cause me to eat? Like How could my emotions which I'm a grown up? I know logically, like I know, logically, I'm sure everyone else does, too. But until you take the time to sit down and actually like give yourself the chance to realize like, Oh, hey, I, hey, that rings with me. So does that. So does that and then, you know, it's not such an oh my gosh, this doesn't apply to me anymore. Like, oh my gosh, how can I help him not known? How could I have not known?

Sabrina Rogers  3:28  
what do you mean by that? Like, how can I have not known?

Whitney  3:35  
Like, as, obviously, as an adult, I know, sometimes the things that I choose willingly to put in my body or not. And I and society wise, deemed healthy. But at that time, at that moment, it is what I wanted. It's what I needed. And for a while it worked. And then then it didn't work anymore. And then it doesn't. It makes you feel good for a moment. And then then the guilt sets in. And as an adult, as a woman, like I know what I'm doing. And like I felt like I'm not going to shoot on myself. But I as an adult felt like I could have realized I would have done that if I wouldn't have taken the chance and on this because when I was approached me I'm like, How was my emotions? Now I learned a whole bunch of stuff.

Unknown Speaker  4:43  
Okay, so before we dive into that, so for those of you that don't know Whitney, or myself Whitney and I know each other in real life, and I offered her the opportunity to work with me knowing that You've got a wedding coming up, and that you just were kind of sad and miserable in a lot of ways. And I really wanted because I could see the potential there, and I really wanted to be able to pull that out of you. But why did you want to work with me? Like, that's why I wanted to work with you. But why did you want to work with me?

Whitney  5:20  
Because, one, your voice is so soothing. And if anyone who hasn't listened to the podcast, do it. Like I literally was anxious going into, like five interviews today with obviously strangers. And it just I don't know, there's something about you, that just puts me at ease. So that was like the first reason. And B made it very clear that it would be a very wasted opportunity if I didn't. And I like I said, I was like, Okay, I don't know how my Olga is the best decision that I made.

Unknown Speaker  6:04  
Why do you say that? Like, what did you get out of it? We've kind of talked about like, Okay, I've already got this insight as to my emotions are tied to my eating when I recognized my emotions, it changed how I ate sort of, what else did you see from this?

Whitney  6:22  
Okay, so I'll be honest, when I first went into this, I was like, Okay, well, I guess I can afford to lose some weight before, because I'm getting married in October. And about two or three lessons in, it just wasn't about that anymore. I could have cared less if I lost weight, which I have, like, I am wearing a dress, which would have never happened. I like I could take my shirt off right now. And I would be like, Look at me, that would

Unknown Speaker  7:01  
happen. And I just want to pause for a minute because it's not the intention was not to lose weight. Like maybe it was like, oh, maybe I'll do that. But it sounds like, Yeah, I'm losing weight. But not like I have to lose weight. It's this. Yes, it's more of like, what what you've gained in confidence of regardless of if you lost weight or not. You will never have worn something that it goes your shoulders. No,

Whitney  7:26  
never, I would not have worn anything on my arms. I would have suffered in the summer. I am wearing a overshirt because I am at my place of business. So it's appropriate. But like, I bought tank tops, I bought shorts. And were they in a smaller size? Yes. Quite. But it had nothing to do with that. It had everything to do with the confidence that I have gained in doing this. And taking a chance on myself. That's all it was, and you took a chance on me. Don't I'm gonna get all emotional, but like, okay, the chance on me. Like when I couldn't take a chance on myself, somebody else took a chance on me. And it really worked. It really worked

Unknown Speaker  8:10  
so better than you even ever pictured.

Whitney  8:13  
Yes. And like, I am having more fun. My relationships are going better, because, like I have stopped tolerating things that don't make me happy.

Sabrina Rogers  8:31  
Can you talk a little bit more about that not tolerating things, because that's one of the biggest growth places that I've seen with you in the last six months.

Whitney  8:43  
So I had a really bad habit of letting everyone in my life walk all over me, my boss, my family, and I don't I which was really hard for me because my I discovered this on one of our sessions, like I when my dad passed away, my life stood still. Like, I stopped living. I stopped existing. I was no longer a person. I was just a vessel that was here to do things for others. I wasn't doing anything for myself. I wasn't, you know, I know it's gonna sound silly, but like, I wanted this tattoo, and I know it's nerdy. But I've wanted this tattoo for 20 years. And I just didn't do it because I was worried about what everyone was gonna think and all this and everything. And it's something that has brought me so much pleasure just have it. And I did it because I wanted to. That is like one of the first things in 20 plus years that I have done because I wanted to not yeah Sorry, I don't mean to cut you off.

Unknown Speaker  10:01  
No, no, I was gonna say not because somebody else told you to or thought you should. But because hey, I like this thing. I like Jurassic Park for those of you that can't see video, if we're only doing audio, she's got this Jurassic Park sleeve that is just amazing.

Whitney  10:17  
I love it. And I don't know, I just every every this program has affected so much. And I cannot I cannot express how much you should do this. If you're listening to this. Even just take a chance on yourself. Do it. Because you're you need to live your life for you. And it took sitting down and listening and taking a chance on myself to realize I deserve to have a life. Yeah. Yeah, it's exciting.

Sabrina Rogers  11:00  
It is and who, who knew going into this when, when you were just going to like work on your emotional eating? Yeah, who know that this was going to be the outcome because it's, it's not just about the food?

Whitney  11:12  
No, it's not. It's not it's about. It's about everything. Just realizing and recognizing what your emotions, your emotions control so much. And I know, obviously, people listening to this gonna be like, but until you sit down and write them out, or do the exercises in the programs with the circles and not being able to focus on anything. And it just, you realize how much your emotions play into every aspect in your life. A lot.

Unknown Speaker  11:54  
It is a lot. And then when we realize how much control they have, or how much they influence things and how much our thoughts influence things. Then we can really take a look at it and be like, Oh, this isn't working in my life. I don't like where I'm at right now. I don't like how I'm feeling. Oh, I've got the power to do something about that. Yes.

Whitney  12:18  
And, like, when I try to explain to people, especially my family, like about the eating, oh, eat this. I don't want to. I'm not hungry right now. Trying to explain to other grownups that I am an adult and I don't need to eat when I'm not hungry. Like I just listened to an episode about eating when your time schedule says because you're used to eating at that time. I have found like, today, I wasn't hungry until 3pm. So what did I do at 3pm? I ate something small. That's all I wanted. Like, that's all I want to say. That's all I ate. I just I leave food on my plate and it's okay. And I have cut my not because of the weight loss not because like I just want to

Unknown Speaker  13:14  
know because somebody says that she needs to cut the portions not because you think you need to cut the portions to cut your calories but because you just are not hungry for that

Whitney  13:25  
amount of food. And if I want it later, I'll eat it. And if I don't, that I will eat it the next day or my roommate will eat it. Like it's not. I don't know, that has been one of the biggest things is that not finishing my plate and not feeling guilty because I didn't finish my plate. That was really hard for me. Because ever since I was young, that has been you know, drilled in my brain. You don't leave until you finish your plate. That creates a lot of unhealthy expectations, especially for a kid.

Sabrina Rogers  13:57  
Oh, yeah. And you were a die hard member of the clean plate club. Yes. Yes. Yep. And you have since turned in your membership card and you're not going Yes.

Whitney  14:07  
No, I'm not. And I just even so even my fiancee, she says, I don't have to eat this because I'm not hungry. Like, ya know, you've dealt. So just trying to explain it out loud to other people. They genuinely usually look at me like I'm a crazy person first before I'm like, let me explain. Like, what we've talked about and what you've talked about in some of your messages. Like when you are born. When you cry, what do you get Boober a bottle. Yep. It's not unrealistic that you have these people have these unrealistic and unhealthy attachments to food, when that's the first thing you get when you're born crazy Slavery unhealthy issues. Can,

Unknown Speaker  15:05  
it can when when the messaging starts to flip that it's not okay. Then we have these mixed messages of like, oh, but this is what I've been doing up until now. And it works. And now you're telling me not to do it anymore?

Whitney  15:22  
Yep, it's very confusing.

Unknown Speaker  15:24  
It is, especially for like little kids, because that's when we're talking about, like, yes. Happens when we're like three?

Whitney  15:30  
Yes. Yep. And it is. And it is, I am 33. And it has taken me 30 years to, I don't know, realize the amount of damage that can be done. And it's, it's crazy. It's crazy to think it's crazy for me to think about, like, something as simple as taking a chance on myself has led me I am happier. I am sleeping at night. I have the courage to change my career. Like, these are all huge, huge things. And I don't know, if I I know that I would not have done them, I would have just kept taking it. And I would have just been miserable. I would have still, I would still be emotionally eating

Sabrina Rogers  16:30  
and dating yourself up out for it and feeling guilty. Yes,

Whitney  16:34  
yes. Now. So this is going to be silly, probably. But I'm gonna tell you anyway. I never in my life would have gone into like a cookie store. Because like I emphasized in my head, I everyone would have been staring at me. Oh, of course, the fat girls in here. But this weekend, I went in to a crumble. And I bought cookies for my fiance and I and I could have sat there and they were delicious. By the way, I could have sat there and ate all of them and made myself miserable sick. And before this program, I probably would have because I would have been so anxious about going in there. I mean, I would have I would probably ordered online. But I went in there and took them home. Forgot about them in the car. It just, I don't know, it just wasn't the first thing on my mind. Like I was so excited. Because my fiancee we had a good day. And it was exciting. And we did all this cool stuff together. And then we shared a cookie. And that was it. And it was so good. And there's a still a partial box of them. Because I had the little bit that I wanted. And that was it. And nobody stared at me. Nobody was like, Look at this chunky girl with her arms out. And I know it's just really good. Everything's just been really good.

Sabrina Rogers  18:05  
Yay. Yeah, was there anything else that you want to share?

Whitney  18:11  
I just want to go back to if if there's anyone listening, and you are hesitant, just do it. Like, nobody is gonna believe in yourself more than Sabrina. And nobody, like

this has changed my entire life. And if you don't take a chance on you, nobody else will. And that's, that's sad. But like, you have to believe in yourself and give yourself a chance. Because this is your life. You only get one. And if something and it obviously it's not going to be simple, it's going to be hard. And you're going to learn a lot of things and you're probably going to hurt your own feelings, but it's better. And if you just work through it, and listen and do the things that she says you're going to realize a lot of things about yourself, and you're going to feel better. It might hurt for a little bit. But you're gonna feel good at the end. Trust me like you're gonna feel good. It's good. And it's like I've allowed myself to heal. And I'm still obviously still healing. But I just take a chance on yourself. I can do it. You can do it.

Sabrina Rogers  19:40  
I just appreciate you so much Whitney.

Whitney  19:43  
I appreciate you but I always thought I was just gonna go all in and I did and I'm so glad that I did. If you're skeptical so as i If you're unsure suicide,

Unknown Speaker  19:55  
but you had every reason to back out Yeah. You I mean, looking at just the things that you've gone through in the three months that we were working together, you had every reason to not show up to calls. You had every reason not to do the 1015 minute audio lesson.

Whitney  20:19  
I didn't, I went back to him. If I was having a bad day, like, read, listen to him, like, do the journal. Do the journal. If anyone's was going to do this program, do the journal. Because that is the most telling thing is the journaling. Because anyone can sit there and say, oh, yeah, I probably emotionally but until you put it on paper. Do the paper things do the little, the little challenges that she has you do? Do them? Because you will learn? Do it.

Unknown Speaker  20:51  
Just do it? Do it scared. Do it when when you don't want to do it. Do it for yourself.

Whitney  20:57  
Like on the today? Go into the interviews. I wasn't anxious. I was second guessing myself. I seen it like, I'm gonna go to this coffee shop. And I'm gonna get a doughnut, because I'm like, I'm so anxious. Well, when I got there, I ordered my regular coffee. And I had listened to part of your podcast. And I was like, What are you doing? Are you hungry? No, you had breakfast? Do you still want that doughnut? Let's breathe a little bit, popped a piece of gum in my mouth, drank my coffee. And I was fine. I was fine. So if you need the extra encouragement, the podcast is always there too.

Unknown Speaker  21:45  
It is. I love doing it.

Whitney  21:48  
It is it's good. I made my sister listen to it all the way to Iowa City the other day. I hope she appreciated it. She needs some of the love to.

Sabrina Rogers  21:59  
Well, thank you so much for coming on and sharing your experience. Not only with me, but anybody else who's out there listening

Whitney  22:08  
and hurting, hesitant. You can message me a nice girl.

Unknown Speaker  22:12  
She won't buy

Whitney  22:15  
I won't. But I'm gonna tell you the same thing. Just do it. Take a chance on yourself. You deserve it.

Unknown Speaker  22:23  
And I'm just gonna echo that you you deserve it.

Whitney  22:25  
Thank you. I cannot I cannot thank you enough. There are no words to thank you. You gave me my life back. I gave myself my life back. But you opportunity. You gave me the tools in which to give myself my life back.

Unknown Speaker  22:45  
I was your fairy godmother who opened the doors sprinkled some fairy dust you did the rest.

Whitney  22:52  
And I will never go back. I'm so happy. That is an that is the biggest compliment. I was in a wedding. And everyone just kept telling me that like, obviously I looked beautiful. Cuz I was. But everyone just kept saying You look so happy. And in that moment I realized I would rather be happy than be told. I mean obviously I like every girl likes you like Oh, you look so nice today. But hearing someone tell me how happy I look. And it was like, all around. Oh my gosh, she looks so happy in the hobby. Isn't that just what everyone wants just to be happy?

Sabrina Rogers  23:34  
What what a compliment, because it's one thing when you feel it on the side, but then when other people see it enough that they're like, I want to say something?

Whitney  23:45  
Yeah, I'm just exuding happiness, apparently. And it is fantastic.

Sabrina Rogers  23:52  
I wanted to share Whitney's story with you in hopes that you can see what could be possible for you can I guarantee will have the same results? No, because you're not the same person. What I do know is that working with me, allowing me to hold on to that hope for you and see what's on the other side until you can see it for yourself will bring about change for you. Because when we do that, when we begin to change your thoughts and beliefs, the real magic starts to unfold because you're taking back your power. Speaking of power, it is time for you to take your power back away from a food and the guilt and the shame around your emotional eating. Before we say farewell today I want to share a bit more about the emotional eating revolution. The next session begins February 1. So if you're listening to this in real time, you can still join us. And if you happen to be finding this after January of 2023 don't worry there will be future offerings probably come summer. The emotional eating revolution is a 12 week online training for Busy Women who want to end their struggle with them. motional eating so they can have a positive relationship with food, eat guilt free, and finally look and feel like they have their shit together. It's an intimate program where we work to let go of the guilt and learn to listen to your body and honor what it needs and wants. Now, there's no denying that getting to freedom around food includes many ups and downs. And thankfully, I'm an expert at breaking down each individual part and making it work in your life. I've created the program in such a way that you can't possibly fail. As long as you follow the steps you will feel at peace around food. Now does this sound like you? I'm doing good one day than blowing it the next starting over and over and over. I binge on sweets and have no self control. I eat when I'm bored. When I'm sad when I'm lonely. I just eat and eat. I can't control these cravings. I get it found. I struggled years with my emotional eating binges and late night snacks. My husband would be out for the evening and I devour an entire Stuffed Crust Pizza. The shame and embarrassment would set in and I'd quickly hide the pizza box under other garbage hoping and praying he wouldn't see it. There is hope. I learned emotional eating is something we all do and I didn't need to feel bad about it. Now I teach other professional women how to end their struggle with emotional eating. So they can have a positive relationship with food, eat guilt free and finally look and feel like they have their shit together. Like I said, a key component of this program is the 12 weekly group calls and the two individual calls if you join in painful that's like the icing on the cake. It brings it all together. And the substance the cake. The pieces that come together to end your struggle with emotional eating are the eight modules. Why diets fail? Do you eat foods you enjoy mindfulness and eating perfectionism? Change your habits, messages from your body control cravings and the willpower myth busting module. In addition to these eight modules, you'll also get access right away to my guide to nighttime eating. Did you know that there are five types of nighttime eating? I go through each of these and what you can do about it. You'll also get access to the hunger fullness scale, which is your key to noticing your hunger and preventing eating to the point of discomfort. And if you want more information on the emotional eating revolution, are ready to sign up. There's a link in the show notes for you. If you aren't sure if the revolution is right for you. Let's get on a video chat. You'll get to meet me. Ask your questions, and then decide if this is what you want right now. I hope you hope to see you inside the revolution. And until next week from a wish you all the best