Health Hope Harmony: A Mental Health Podcast Redefining Health Restoring Hope Reaching Harmony
Welcome to Health Hope Harmony: A Mental Health Podcast, where we explore the intersection of body image, eating disorders, mood disorders, and trauma.
Hosted by Sabrina Rogers, a licensed mental health counselor and owner of Health Hope Harmony counseling group. Our mission is to help you redefine health on your terms, restore your hope, and reach harmony in your life.
In each episode, we dive deep into topics surrounding mental wellness, counseling, non-diet approaches, Health at Every Size, body neutrality, and healing from trauma. Our conversations are designed to inspire hope, foster understanding, and empower you to reclaim your personal sense of harmony, regardless of the challenges you face.
Whether you’re struggling with body image, navigating eating disorders, dealing with mood disorders, or processing trauma, Health Hope Harmony provides a compassionate space to help you redefine health, restore hope, and reach harmony in your life.
Join us for insightful interviews, expert advice, and personal stories that will encourage you to move forward with confidence, compassion, and a renewed sense of balance.
Let’s journey together toward a healthier, happier you.
Health Hope Harmony: A Mental Health Podcast Redefining Health Restoring Hope Reaching Harmony
83 - The 75 Intuitive Challenge-ish
Do you feel like…
You lack self-discipline?
You’re useless without accountability?
You’ve tried every diet, workout program, cleanse and detox under the sun, but nothing gives you the sustainable change you’re hoping for?
Want to know a secret?
You’re not broken. You’re simply a victim of diet culture -an industry that thrives on you believing that optimal health, happiness, and confidence are reserved only for certain bodies.
What you’ve tried in the past hasn’t worked because you’re approaching health and well-being from a place of fear, shame, and guilt.
What would it look like to instead approach health and well-being from a place of love and self trust?
75 Intuitive is a 75-day transformative program that will permanently change how you approach health and well-being - mentally, emotionally, physically, & spiritually.
Meet the coaches:
Ashley Paige
How to Stop Shrinking Yourself
Julia Hampton
3 Steps to Eating with Ease, Not Guilt
Renae Bartlett
@thenondietnutritionist (IG, FB, youtube)
PODCAST: The Non-Diet Nutritionist
Kim Hagle
SOCIALS: @radiantvitalitywellness
PODCAST: The Joyful Movement Show
The Motivation Secret.
Violeta Puente
Francisca Schipper-Laning
www.ebenvloedvoeding.nl ( in dutch)
Ardelle Viau
Free 5-Step Guide For When Your Pursuit of Health is Unhealthy
Denise Wogan www.foodee.ie
Jin Hee Kim
Kate Williams Stone
www.instagram.com/katewstone @katewstone
Free guide: How to Thrive in Perimenopause with Diet culture
Randi Cox
Are you putting your life on hold
Let's Connect!
Want to receive weekly(ish) emails from us? Sign up here
Check out our website: www.healthhopeharmony.com
Ardelle 0:00
Hello everyone, my name is Ardelle Viau and I am an intuitive eating and body image coach. A little about my background, I started in the weight loss industry working for a weight loss center for many years. I then transitioned into holistic nutrition where I essentially replaced my obsession with weight with an obsession around health. And realizing that neither of those approaches were working for me, I decided to pivot hard in my business and in my personal life. And that is where I really started to heal my relationship with food and body. I am now an intuitive eating coach and body image coach for women who resonate with perfectionism and want to break free from that and break free from the world of dieting so they can intuitively brace embrace health and wellness.
Randi 0:47
My name is Randi Cox and I am a body confidence coach as well as an intuitive eating coach. And my story kind of starts very similar to Ardelle's. I was part of a weight loss program and ended up working for them for like 10 years and saw on such a big scale how the diet industry was failing everybody, and everybody was internalizing this, and maybe it was their own fault. And I was like I don't really want to be part of this anymore. And then I ended up getting pregnant and I made a vow that my daughter would never step foot in a meeting room or a weight loss group and I was like if it's okay for her, why am I still doing this to myself, so I stopped dieting, but really had no clue where to turn or what to do and found intuitive eating and Health at Every Size and have really embraced it and now I am coaching women to just like stop waiting and start living and finding and creating confidence in their current body.
Kate 1:47
Hi, everyone. My name is Kate Williams stone. I am a perimenopause health coach who uses a non diet approach to your relationship with food, body image and also hormones. My personal relationship with healing. Healing with foods started with my own disordered eating in my 20s And so that's when I really experienced body neutrality and a neutral approach to food. But my perimenopause symptoms in my early 40s. Really like through me I had uterine fibroids and extreme iron deficiency. And so my perimenopause symptoms were very extreme at a younger age and I was dismissed by many doctors. And so that has brought me to this passion of helping women in their 40s to approach their health without the diet culture BS that is so prevalent for women in perimenopause because body changes are natural when your hormones change, and women need to know that. So I help women in their relationship with food, body image and hormones in this really tender time of life.
Denise 3:02
Hi, my name is Denise and I am from feeding nutrition. And my story starts way back when I was about 24 on I started getting on well. And my story with dieting was really involved in health and health ism. And during my journey one day I realized that a diet had been rebranded into wellness, and found myself knee deep in wellness until I noticed that it was actually creating more problems than it was actually solving for me. I was struggling with psoriasis, struggling with IBS and hyperthyroid. I was overwhelmed, exhausted, and trying to perfectly eat to cure and bring my body back to normality. I studied nutritional therapy. And along that journey was applauded for all the perfectionism I was tending towards I went then and I became a life coach and found my way to intuitive eating one day I realized that things had to change in my life. And what was keeping me stuck was I had zero confidence in myself. I felt really crap about me. I have long, long in belt self esteem issues. And it was in that moment and those days that I decided I was going to start looking after me from the inside out. So I work with women who feel like they should wait until their kids are growing up. They should wait until their body looks better. They should wait until actually there's no weight in the money more. I work with those women who just want to get started today is the best day to start in your journey for you from the inside out. And my new mantra in the last couple of weeks is stop the fight with food and start living the life that you want. There is so much fun waiting for you.
Kim Hagle 4:54
Hey there. I'm Kim Hagle. I am a size inclusive personal trainer and a body image coach And as I'm listening to all of you, I realize, and I'm sure the listeners too, like we're so similar. None of us are alone in this journey. My story started in my 30s. When I found fitness, I have never been an athletic person. In fact, I was the kid who was cut from all the sports teams, and was picked on for being slow and clumsy. And in my 30s, I started working with a personal trainer. And for the first time in my life, I felt so strong and capable in my body. And it was amazing. But what happened was what started out as a very healthy habit, very quickly turned into an obsession, I started receiving a lot of validation and praise for my athletic abilities and for the body changes that I was experiencing. And that really fed my ego having had the history that I did. So it started down a really disordered path with both eating and exercise. Fast forward a few years. So I continued to work as a personal trainer under diet culture for several years until I had my fourth baby and my life changed in a big way. And I could no longer keep up the level of perfection that I thought was required to work in the fitness industry, I had been told that your body is your business card. And when my body changed, I felt like I no longer fit. So I left the fitness industry for a couple of years, and found the non diet approach kind of stumbled upon it. And started to heal my own relationship with exercise and food and my body image. But it took me a few years to return to fitness because I still kind of thought, well, I don't belong there. But it was in healing my own relationship with exercise and disconnecting movement from weight loss that I started to realize just how many people are being left behind by the toxic fiscal messaging that it's all about shaping and toning and burning calories. And in doing that, we're really, we're leaving people behind, and they're missing out on all the other amazing benefits of movement for your physical, mental and emotional health. So that's what I do now I help women feel better in and about their bodies through movement, coaching and body image coaching.
Ashley 7:14
Hi, everyone, my name is Ashley Paige. And my story started. Really young as it did for most of us, I think I don't remember a time when I had a normal relationship to food or my body. It became really heightened during the pandemic, when a lot of things in my life felt out of control. And now I see that I was trying to seek a sense of control in having a really strict diet and a really rigid exercise routine. A lot of which I thought was healthy, you know, really influenced by wellness culture, I thought that all of these things that were actually very disordered, were promoting wellness. And I came across a podcast that helped me realize how disordered my behavior actually was. and found myself in this mentorship program where I met all of you with Stephanie, our coach and mentor. And in the process, I started to see how my relationship to food in my body paralleled a lot of other parts of my life like my especially in my relationship in my marriage, my relationship to money to my career. And I started to see how it seeped into all these other parts of our life. So what I do now is help women who struggle with perfectionism and people pleasing and codependency to feel more confident in their bodies and their choices.
Sabrina Rogers 8:43
Hey, everyone, I am Sabrina Rogers, otherwise known as the emotional eating therapist. I am a counselor in Iowa also provides services in Virginia and South Dakota, and also a coach and I help women whether you have full blown eating disorders or just disordered eating, because there is a difference. Sometimes they can overlap. Sometimes they don't. But I help you let go of that. And as with all of these ladies, I have found the intuitive eating and the Health at Every Size approach kind of through accident of doing my own healing along the way. And you know, the entire gamut of health ism and training for a bodybuilding competition to binging and overeating and then finally figuring out that sweet spot in the middle where I can really have whatever I want whenever I want. And I don't have to feel physically unwell about that or mentally or emotionally unwell about it either.
Ardelle 9:48
So yeah, so if you resonate with any of our stories, you're definitely going to love what we have for you. As we already said in the intro, we have a really exciting event coming up We decided to take all of our professional expertise and our personal stories and create a 75, intuitive, transformative program for you. So it's 75 days. And what we're going to do within these 75 days is to help you really challenge a lot of the narrative that we find in our health and wellness industry, the nutrition industry, and the diet industry, where we're going to help you bring a lot of nuances to the definition of health for yourself, it's going to help you engage with your health and wellbeing habits in a very relaxed environment. So this is no pressure, it's very different than any type of challenge or program that you've done before. We named it the 75 intuitive challenge, but call it challenge ish, because what we really want you to understand is that the whole concept of this is to see that engaging with health doesn't have to be hard, it can be very, very easy. And with that, you'll create sustainable habits for yourself that will target mental health, emotional, physical, and spiritual. And really, what we're doing within these habits that we're recommending, and the advice that we're going to provide you in the coaching over the 75 days, is to build on the pillars of consistency, confidence, and compassion. It's going to be all hosted in a Facebook group, because we wanted to bring in some sense of community like Kim had already said, you're not alone. This is definitely the community aspect will really help you. If you're feeling like you're kind of going against the grain when all your friends are doing some type of diet, especially when we're leading up into the springtime, right? Getting those like, quote, summer bodies ready, you're going to want to lean on those that have similar stories. And so we wanted to capitalize on the community aspect. The doors to the Facebook group officially open March 15. And then the challenge ish, begins April 1, and is going to run run until June 14. And we're going to give you some more details. But yeah, with 75 intuitive, it probably sounds like another challenge. And Randy, why don't you share a little bit more about that?
Randi 12:35
Yeah, so like Ashley mentioned earlier, all of us come from the same mentorship and have the same coach shout out to Stephanie Dodier. And we are here because of her. And we were in a mentorship course, and just talking and chatting about how people felt like failures at their diet and other 75 challenges. Where if you missed a day, or you didn't check off the right boxes, or you didn't follow the rules exactly to the T, which were not meant for you, you failed. And people were getting, we were just having a discussion about how we were seeing this failure and a lot of our people we knew and previous clients we've had, and we were sick of it really. And so we kind of we got together and decided we needed to come up with a challenge ish. The challenge is that mindset. And so that's what we're doing here. It's an intuitive challenge. And there are no checkboxes, there's no rules to follow there. It's really about learning how to trust yourself, instead of trusting a set of rules. And when we follow those set of rules, and we check the boxes, really what you're doing is we're taking our power away, and we're giving all our confidence and power and our consistency to these little checkboxes. So with this 75 intuitive, we're going to help you get that back and you're gonna feel more empowered, and create those consistent habits, confidence and compassion for yourself.
Kate 14:02
So, you might be wondering how this 75 intuitive challenge ish is different than other things you've seen out there. So I want to just be clear about what you can expect from us. First of all, there are no food rules in this group. But there is going to be support and guidance around your relationship with food. That's exactly what we support people with. There's no mandatory twice a day workouts or posting before and after pictures, all of that typical fits bow diet culture stuff that you may have, you probably have seen in other groups. When we talk about our thinking and our approach. There's no perfectionism or all or nothing thinking. There's no mental toughness required to do this challenge. So it's a really different tone and intention that you probably received. In other communities, so we're really excited to bring this to you. So here's what our intentions are with this 75 intuitive challenge is, we want to help you connect to your body. We want to help you regain and build awareness of your body's natural hunger and fullness cues. You were born an intuitive eater, you can find that intuitive eater inside of you again, and we are experts in helping you find that intuitive eater, you're going to learn how to trust yourself around food and exercise or movement again, that way, motivation comes from inside of you, you don't have to rely on a checkbox or the dread of hitting an I failed button. If you don't do that second workout for the day, you're gonna be able to pursue your health goals on your terms. So all bodies are welcome abilities. Wherever you are starting from, I want you to know that you're welcome in this group. And you're going to be able to pursue your own individual health goals on your terms with self compassion and a supportive community, you're going to be able to, you're going to learn how to create confidence that is unconditional, no matter what the skip the number on the scale says. And ultimately, our theme is about consistency, confidence and compassion. So I hope that you'll join us, you are going to be joining a group of non diet practitioners that have a range of expertise, and focus. So I'd love to hand it over to Denise to talk a little bit about who's going to be leading this group.
Denise 16:45
I believe, and I know the group here believes that probably the beauty of this is the 12 stories that you've heard, honest, raw, unreal, and everyone that you're going to work with over the challenge that we're presenting to you is going to have different skills, they're going to have different approaches, we've all learned from the same mentor, but how we interact with our learning and our clients is what we're going to bring to you our experience. And each one of you are going to get the benefit of being able to tap into this level of expertise. And this level of skill that you won't resonate with everything. But you will have such a variety of people that there will be someone in here for you. So keep listening, keep watching, because at some point, you'll connect with that person that's right for you. So just even to mention who's going to be on board, we've got Intuitive Eating nutrition counselors, we've got life mindset coaches, all centered around intuitive eating, we've got a mental health counselor, we've got a permanent cause health coach, weight neutral fitness coach, we've got a food behavior nutritionist, someone who's going to help you with those behaviors that are getting you stuck keeping you doing the same old thing and wishing it was different. And we've got an intuitive drinking coach. So there is so much variety and diversity in here that it would be hard for you not to get something, it'd be hard for you not to get so much. But even if you take away one small thing that would be enough to set you on your journey. So we're going to incorporate mindset coaching, versus the conventional way of most health programs, which are often at the behavior level, we're going to start way up further, we're going to start with your thoughts. So our thoughts create our feelings. And we take actions based on what we feel. We go really deep into addressing those thoughts and feelings in this 75 intuitive group to help you create that consistency, compassion, and sustainable habits that we all know you really want. Those are the things that we wanted, we wanted to be able to do it in the longest term. So intention is so important. And the 75 Hard, hard guidelines aren't all bad. In fact, some of those habits you might do in this group, but the intention, the why behind it is what creates the consistency and your why not just doing something over and over again, because someone else told you, you will understand it from the inside out. So an example of this would be workouts twice a day for 75 days, it can be really, really hard on your body and as someone who supports women in their hormonal cycles. And as someone who experiences hormonal cycles, there are times that in the month, you don't want to do the two workouts and actually they're not good for your body, they're more harmful. So this is about you becoming the person who can recognize and who can see this happening within yourself that this is an action that is becoming harmful for me and I need to step out because if I stay going I may enter into injury or for Teague, a my life is very different to everyone else's. So people wonder why they hate their exercise. And they wonder why they may have no motivation. A challenge like this is going to really help you set the motivation for what works in your world. And again, coming from your reason, your intention,
Kim Hagle 20:19
I'll just share a little bit about why we decided to run this challenge. As Randy was saying, at the beginning, we had a conversation a few months back in our own asked mastermind group talking about all these people who are participating in the challenge that you've heard us reference the 75 hard and how it's leaving people feeling like just so confused. And ultimately, like a failure, like having to comply with something so strict and having to hit that I failed button, if you miss even one step one day of the program, really messes with people's self esteem. And I think a lot of people are joining this challenge because they think that it's going to be the thing that will help them become resilient in life that it'll help them develop that mental toughness. But then when they have to hit the I failed button that goes crumbling down, and they start to feel even more down about themselves. Which is really unfortunate. So what we want to do is show people how eating and movement and just taking care of yourself, doesn't have to be so hard it can be and it is simple. We know that there's so much conflicting information out there about what is the right and wrong way to eat and exercise. And it's only getting people more and more confused, and only back where they started and feeling frustrated with themselves because nothing seems to work in the long term. And the unfortunate part of all this is people are blaming themselves for it. And I think the missing piece here is what we don't realize or most people don't realize is that the vast majority of programs and challenges and plans like this fail upwards of 90 or 95%. And I think people know that diets don't work. I think that's common knowledge. But where this challenge and others are so sneaky is that it's being marketed as not a diet. So people expect that it should work. And it's different. And that if they just have enough willpower and follow the rules that it should work this time. But what we really want people to understand is, it's all just fancy marketing, for dieting, and it is designed to fail anytime that you're being told what you should eat or that there are good and bad foods, or how you should move. While they might be marketing it as a lifestyle, it really is taking you away from your own personal autonomy and it's just a diet in disguise. So you know, you really shouldn't have to rely on on mental strength to be healthy in life, right, you have so much wisdom inside your own body. And that's what we're going to help you connect with is to reconnect to your hunger, your fullness, your satisfaction, and even your internal cravings for movement. So that you can figure out how to refigure out how to be the boss of your own body and chase health health on your terms without needing some guru to tell you how to do it. So our challenge is going to take place over 75 days. And I'd love to hand it over to Ashley to tell you what that's gonna look like.
Ashley 23:37
Yeah, so over the 75 days, we have 12 coaches that are hosting this challenge ish. And each of us is going to take a theme for our week. So we have one coach, sharing how to connect with hunger and fullness and meal planning and a non diet way. Then we have the power of finding satisfaction in eating. We have a coach who's going to teach on confidence. Another on how to handle holidays with intuitive eating. Then we'll do perfectionism with health habits, emotional eating and when to use other tools, motivation for movement, making peace with food with perimenopause, trusting your body with chronic illness and experiencing pain, drinking intuitively, wellness without obsession. And for each of those themes. We're going to have a masterclass taught on Monday of that week, where we'll dig into what the problem looks like and why we're misunderstanding what the problem actually is and how to go about finding a different solution. And then, throughout the week, the coach will share reflection questions and journal prompts to keep you on track with what it was they taught in their class on Monday. Hey, and come Friday, there will be an open coaching call where you'll receive guidance on whatever your sticking points are.
Sabrina Rogers 25:09
You may be listening to this and wondering if this 75 intuitive challenge ish is right for you. Or you might be listening to this and be like, Heck yeah, sign me up for that. Give me all the details, Sabrina, come on. If you're questioning if this is something that I want to do, or should do is this for me, let me tell you a little bit about that. So we designed this challenge ish. For anyone who has been victimized by the 75 hard program, and left it feeling like you're a problem because you lack willpower, or because you're not perfect enough. This is also really great for anybody who's interested intuitive eating, but maybe is only aware of the term, you haven't read the book, you haven't been formally introduced to it, but you're like, Hey, that sounds really cool. It would really love to ditch diets, I'd really love to just eat whatever I want, whenever this is a great introduction to what Intuitive Eating is. So the details, all of the like investment, what's the cost to participate? Great news, it's 100%, free for rate, there's no charge, the 12 of us are coming together to offer this to you. No strings attached. We're so excited to share this information and coaching with the public because we want to help combat the diet, culture and all of the, quote, lifestyle changes. So we're just going to give of our time and help you make that transition. This is a community of amazing people. And I hope that we will see you in the group. Before I segue into that, not only are we giving away our time and our coaching over 75 days, each one of us coaches and providers within the group has a fun freebie that we're going to be giving away every week. So not only are you going to get wonderful information on intuitive eating on ditching diets being more intuitive, but you also get a couple little bonuses. And there will be more information on how to win those freebies or participate within the group. So let me tell you how you can sign up and get all of that good information. I will put a show a link in the show notes with all of the information. If you need it, it's going to be right there waiting for you as well as all of our information so that you can find each one of us. If you are getting stuck on any of that information, can't find it. Send an email to whoever you have heard this podcast or gotten this information from because we will hook you up. You can also search if you're on Facebook, search for the group 75 intuitive challenge, you will request to join there's a couple of questions just to make sure that you know what you're getting into. And we know who's coming in so it's a safe space. And then one of us lovely admins will approve you to join. We'll send you a welcome message. Yeah, so we just really look forward to seeing you within the Facebook group. And really just tackling diet culture and finding what works for you. So thanks for joining us today.